Telugu Federation


The Telugu Federation was established in the year 1919 and the first meeting was held at Kakinada, combined East Godavari District of State of Madras Presidency. Thereafter is has flourished across the state of Madras Presidency and thereafter in the combined Andhra Pradesh effective 1st November, 1956. The Federation was registered as a Society under the Registration of Societies Act, 1860 (Act XXI) with Registration Certificate S.No. 13 of 1964 dated 10th April, 1964.  Previously the Rayalaseema Theosophical Federation was part of Telugu Federation and exited for specific purposes with the formation of contiguous districts of combined Andhra Pradesh and a few districts of Karnataka viz. Bellary, etc.

This Federation was primarily established as North Telugu Federation during the month of October, 1918. It got its independent status on 1st October, 1926. During September, 1927 the Central Districts Federation was merged with this Federation and named as Andhra Federation. Subsequently on 1st October, 1932 the Central Districts have ceded from the Hyderabad Group and formed as the Rayalaseema Federation. The residual Federation was known as Andhra Circars Federation. In February, 1959 it was decided to merge the Andhra Circars Federation and the Rayalaseema Federation into one Federation and came The Telugu Federation of Theosophical Society. Again on 9th February, 1963, the existing Federation got split and our Federation was re-established and known as Telugu Federation. During the course of Annual Business Meeting held on 16th March, 1963 the re-christened Federation was confirmed as the Telugu Federation.

Telugu Federation Goals 2022-2023:

Goals Determined:

  • To increase the membership by 25% from 1037 to 1296.
  • To conduct at least four (4) public meetings to introduce Basics on Theosophy.
  • To conduct four (4) meetings in different colleges to introduce Theosophy to the Students.
  • To conduct three (3) Study Camps in different Lodges of Telugu Federation.
  • To conduct a Goal Setting meet for the Lodge Presidents and Secretaries of the Telugu Federation.
  • To revive and activate one (1) dormant Lodge.
  • To propagate Theosophy, we are going to print thousand pamphlets on basic Theosophy.
  • To conduct discourses in three (3) Public Libraries to introduce Theosophy.
  • To conduct three (3) meditation classes at different Lodges.
  • To upgrade the features of Federation Website.